Our Program
For over 60 years Adult & Teen Challenge has been helping people achieve freedom from addiction.
78% of graduates from Adult & Teen Challenge addiction recovery centers remain sober and substance free post-graduation.
Grace House is a ministry of Adult & Teen Challenge.
Our program disciples people who have life-controlling problems so the student can function in society applying spiritually motivated biblical principles to relationships in the family, local church, chosen vocation and the community.
Grace House endeavors to help people become mentally sound, emotionally balanced, socially adjusted, physically well and spiritually alive!
What does the journey through Grace House look like?
Grace House Adult & Teen Challenge seeks to provide a safe, structured, and peaceful place for women to find freedom from life-controlling issues through the power of Jesus Christ. Grace House serves any women age 18 and over who are looking for transformation, not treatment; discipleship & outreach; and a 12-18 month residential program.
Mile marker 1: “I need help”
The first and most important step is admitting there is a problem and that you need help. It takes courage to admit you need help, then you must be willing to ask for help, and finally be wiling to accept the help.
Mile marker 2: Commitment-Residential Phase
Our program is a safe, structured and peaceful place for women 18 and over to enter and commit to 12-18 months of transformation. We have staff on duty with our students 24/7, and there is a commitment from our students to attend work duty about 20 hours a week to learn basic work and life skills. Students also commit to spending about 20 hours a week in the classroom. Here they will be using our curriculum in group and individual studies to learn more life skills like: who I am in Christ, healthy relationships, conflict resolution, anger management, self control, and more.
Mile marker 3: Induction Phase
Enter our program and begin your journey toward transformation. The first 21 days in our program are the most intense. You are learning how to live free from life-controlling issues and addiction. When troubles arise, you cannot turn to substances. You learn to trust in God and lean on Him in whole new ways. During this first phase you will not have any phone calls or visits with anyone outside of Grace House. Approved family members can send letters, but we want our students in this induction phase to really focus on themselves and what God is doing in them.
Mile marker 4: Phase One
After your first 21 days you will enter Phase One of our program. This phase covers from day 21 through your fourth month. In this phase you will have a weekly phone call to approved family members, and you can have visitors during visiting hours. You will continue your personal and group studies while you study in the classroom. You will continue working at work duty.
Mile marker 5: Phase Two
Phase two is from your fifth month through the end of your seventh month. During this phase students can start going on passes as they become available in the calendar. This gives our students an opportunity to return home if they would like to practice living out their new transformed life. Going on a pass is completely optional and not mandatory. Students continue in their studies and in work duty.
Mile marker 6: Phase Three
Phase three is from month eight through the end of month twelve. During this time we begin praying with our students as they seek God to see what steps are next for the student after completion. We walk with our students and help them as they seek God and re-enter back into society.
Mile marker 7: Completion
Students who complete the program are ready to re-enter back into society. They have learned how to have self-control, and the Holy Spirit is leading and guiding them each day. They are growing in their personal relationship with Jesus. They have accountability in their life to help them continue to walk in freedom.
Rescue. Rebuild. Restore.